The Process of revision and redesign of curricula is based on recent developments and feedback from the stakeholders.
The feedback form all stakeholders in terms of its relevance and appropriateness in catering to the needs of the society , economy and environment helps in improving inputs.
A HEI with the feedback system in place, will have an active process of not only collecting feedback from all stakeholders, but also analyzing it and identifying and drawing pertinent pointers to enhance the learning effectiveness.
Feedback system consists of design, distribution, collection, analysis of feedback forms. The analysis of feedback forms enables the University for the
objective and subjective assessment of the learners to improve their performance.
• Accordingly feedback is taken from the stakeholders viz. students, teachers, and alumni.
• Feedback is designed to cover the aspects of Academic facilities.
• Feedback from students is collected at the end of the semester exams every year. Suggestions, if any, are communicated to the respective BoS.
• The student feedback form consists of questions on various dimensions of the syllabus of each Course studied like quality, quantity, depth of syllabus,
Teaching aids used, Periodical Evaluation etc.
• The feedback questions are framed in such a way that the student satisfaction level is rated and measured appropriately to get a perfect assessment.
• The analysis and assessment is utilized to modify/improve the syllabus if deemed necessary.
• Similarly the feedback from teachers is obtained after the completion of course, for each and every course taught by the teacher per semester.
• The opinion/ feedback of the teacher is sought in many dimensions – quantity, quality, suitability, feasibility etc., from the perspective of student as well
as the teacher. Comments offered by the teachers are taken into consideration in the respective BoS meetings.
• Feedback is sought from alumni too. Questions are asked regarding the relevance of the curriculum in the employment opportunities, and the knowledge obtained in
their course work. The responces are analyzed and considered for the improvement of academic quality in the subsequent years.
• Thus the feedback obtained from the stakeholders plays an important role in enhancing the quality of learning environment of students in the university.