The Government of Orissa has established the Orissa Chair in the University with the seed grant of Rs. 50 lacs to do intensive and extensive research, to bring out publications on Lord Jagannatha and to highlight the contributions made by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and poet Sri Jayadeva to the cultural heritage of our country. The Chair was formally inaugurated by Justice Sri Ranganath Misra, Former Chief Justice of India and Chairman, Central Sanskrit Board, Government of India on 14th October, 2000.
(A Study centre for Lord Jagannatha, Mahaprabhu Chaitanya and Bhaktakavi Jayadeva)
The Orissa Chair was established under Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, (Deemed University), Tirupati, on behalf of the Government of Orissa, with the aims of carrying out intensive and extensive research work and to bring out Publications on three important aspects of not only the culture of Orissa but also of India viz Lord Sri Jagannatha Dharma and his Cult, Sri Chaitanya and his Philosophy,and Sri Jayadeva and his Literature. Orissa Chair was established in this Vidyapeetha with the munificent grant sanctioned by the Government of Orissa. Prajnana Vacaspati Srijukta Janaki Ballabha Pattnaik the then Chief Minister and present Chancellor of Vidyapeetha was kind enough to sanction an amount of Rs. 50,00000(Fifty Lakh) to institute a chair in this Vidyapeetha to carry out research and extension activities on Shri Jagannatha Culture, Shri Jayadeva Literature, Shri Chaitanya Philosophy. Prof. S.B.Raghunatha Acharya the then Vice-Chancellor of the Vidyapeetha was instrumental in pursuing the Orissa Govt. in establishing the Chair. Late Prof. Ramaranjan Mukherji, Former Chancellor of Our Vidyapeetha and Prof Harekrishna Satapathy the then Vice-Chancellor of SJSV Puri and present Vice-Chancellor of our Vidyapeetha played a key role in getting the Chair established.
The Chair was formally inaugurated in the year 2000. Justice Sri Ranganatha Mishra, Chairman ,Central Board of Sanskrit Education Govt. of India has inaugurated the Chair on 15th October,2000. Justice Sri Ranganatha Mishra speaking on the occasion observed that the Vidyapeetha is the right institution for carring out research on the subject. Prof. Harekrishna Satapthy the then Vice-Chancellor of Shri Jagannatha Sanskrit University and present Vice-Chancellor of Our Vidyapeetha delivered the inaugural address on the occasion.
- Constitute and expound theoretical framework from the primary intellectual texts of the Jagannatha tradition.
- To undertake research on Shri Jagannatha Culture
- To undertake research on Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
- To undertake research on the poetics of Shri Jayadeva
- To propogate Shri Jagannatha Culture and universal brotherhood
- To bring out rare works on the three subjects.
- To organize workshops, seminars and conferences on the subjects
- To organize extension lecture series.
- To organize orissan culture day
- To prepare bibliography of works available on the subjects.
- To organize cultural exchange tour of students.
Undertake comparative research in Indian and Western traditions of thought in literary and cultural theory, philosophy including philosophy of and prosody, sociological thought, polity, gender, and ethnic studies and culture.
These objectives are sought to be achieved by our associates or researchers through a carefully evolved teaching, research program’s, organizing seminar at national level, various books and research articles are publishing at our study centre in (Orissa Chair) premises of Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh.
Facilitation Centre
On the request of Sri Devi Prasad Mishra, Honorable Minister for Higher education, Culture & Tourism, Govt. of Orissa, the Orissa Chair has opened a facilitation Centre with the Coordinator of the Orissa Chair as its director to provide necessary information to the pilgrims, devotees, scholars and intellectuals coming from Orissa to Tirupati the sacred aboard of Lord Venkateswara with a view to conduct comparative study and research on Sri Jagannatha and Sri Venkateswara culture. As per the puranic traditions Niladri the aboard of Lord Jagannatha and Shesadri the aboard of Lord Sri Venkateswara have got close links in respect of promotion of spiritualism and philosophy of global fraternity. Acharya Ramanuja a saint of twelve century A.D visited both the places and introduced some new daily rituals in both the temples by which the relationship between these two pilgrim places was strengthen. There is a necessary to conduct further research on the subject for which so many scholars and pilgrims particularly from Puri are coming to Tirupati and vice versa. As per the proposal of the honorable Minister the University has decided to open the facilitation centre under the overall supervision of the Orissa Chair to facilitate this interdisciplinary study and research. Personnels positioned in the centre and their contact numbers.
Dr. Gyanaranja Panda, Director– 09703436596
Land line number of the facilitation centre – 0877- 2287649 Extn. 316
Email – chairorissa@gmail.com
Publications of Orissa Chair
- Utkala Srimanjusha, Vol. I, Chief Editor Prof. D.Prahladachar (Collection of papers on Sri Jagannatha culture, Philosophy of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Literature of Sri Jayadeva which are presented in the first National seminar held at Tirupati in 2000.)
- Utkala Srimanjusha, Vol. II, Chief Editor Prof. Harekrishna Satapathy (Collection of papers on Sri Jagannatha culture, Philosophy of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Literature of Sri Jayadeva which are presented in the 2nd National seminar held at Kolkota in 2001 & 3rd National seminar in 2004.)
- Vedic view of Sri Jagannath, by Sri Arun Kumar Upadhyaya, IPS
- Geetagovindam, Sarvangasundari Commentry, Chief Editor Prof. Harekrishna Satapathy
- Complete Sanskrit Works on Jagannath Culture, Vol.I, Edited by Prof. Harekrishna Satapathy
- Bibliography on Sri Jagannath & Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Edited by Prof.D.Prahladachar
- Sanskruta Vangmaya Baibham, Authored by Prajnana Vachaspati Sj. Janaki Ballabha Pattnaik
- Krushnodwipini commentary of Sikshyastakam, Authored by Dr. Ajay Kumar Nanda
- Orissa & Her links with South, Authored by Sri S.Sundarrajan, IAS (Retd.)
- Jagannatha suprabhatam, Edited by Sribhasyam Jagannathacharyulu
- Sri Jagannatha Suprabhata Stotralahari (MP3 CD), Edited by Prof. Harekrishna Satapathy
- Geetagovindam (MP3 CD), Edited by Prof. Harekrishna Satapathy
- Bhajagovindam, Sanskrit Translated by Dr. Ajaya Kumar Nanda
- Purusottama Chitrakalpa, Authored by Mr. Sarangadhara Rayaguru, IPS ( Retd)
- Jagannatha Chalisa, Authored by Laxmi Narayana Sahu
Shri N. Gopalaswami, IAS (Retd.)
Honorable Chancellor
Chief Patron
Prof. G S R Krishna Murty
Prof. Rajanikant Shukla
Dean Academic Affairs
Prof. R.G. Tripathy
Dean Students Welfare
Dr. Gyanranjan Panda
Orissa Chair
National Sanskrit University
Tirupati – 517 064
Phone No : 0877-2287649 Ext. 316
E-Mail : chairorissa@gmail.com