⇒ RESULTS NOTIFICATION (Revaluation) : Result of Student’s who have applied for Revaluation in their Prak-Sastri Ist year.

⇒ Result Notification M. SC Comp./M,A in Hindi/M.Sc. Yoga Therapy/ MAIMT and M.A.Sabdabodha – III semester examinatlons conducted by NSU, Tirupati in November., 2024

⇒ RESULTS Acharya III Semester Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in November, 2024.

⇒ RESULTS NOTIFICATION: Sastri 3rd Semester Supplementary Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University, in November, 2024.

⇒ RESULTS NOTIFICATION: B.Sc-Yoga III Semester Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University, in November, 2024

⇒ RESULTS NOTIFICATION: B.Sc.-III Semester Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in November, 2024

⇒ RESULTS NOTIFICATION: BA-III Semester Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in November, 2024.

⇒ RESULTS NOTIFICATION: Sastri-III Semester Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in November, 2024.


⇒ RESULTS NOTIFICATION: CDOE PG Diploma in Yoga Vijnana-1st year Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University, in January, 2025.

⇒ RESULTS NOTIFICATION: CDOE Acharya- 1st year 2nd semester Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University, in January, 2025.

⇒ RESULTS NOTIFICATION: CDOE BA-1st Year 2nd Semester Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University, in January, 2025.

⇒ RESULTS NOTIFICATION: CDOE Sastri-1 year 2nd Semester Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University, in January, 2025.

⇒ RESULTS NOTIFICATION: Siksha Acharya (M.Ed.) I Semester examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in Nov, 2024

⇒ RESULTS NOTIFICATION: Shastri-Siksha Sastri (B.A.B.Ed.) ITEP 3rd Semester examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in Nov 2024


⇒ Result Notification of Sastri/BA/B.Sc/B.Sc-Yoga regular Second Semester Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University, in June, 2024.

⇒ Result Notification of Sastri, B.A., B.Sc-Computer & B.Sc Yoga 2nd Semester Supplementary Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University, in June, 2024.

⇒ CDOE: Result Notification of Online Advanced Diploma, Diploma, and Certificate Programmes

⇒Evening Regular Diploma/P.G. Diploma programmes: Examination Notification for Supplementary students

⇒ Result Notification of successful candidates in Prak-Sastri Second year(Regular) Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University, in August, 2024

⇒ CDOE : Results Notification of CDOE Prak – Sastri-2nd year Supplementary Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University, in July. 2024.

⇒ CDOE : CDOE BA First Semester Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University, in July, 2024

⇒ CDOE : Sastri First Semester Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University, in July, 2024.

⇒ CDOE : CDOE Acharya- I year 1st semester examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in

⇒ CDOE : CDOE Sastri-2nd and 3rd year Supplementary Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University, in July, 2024.

⇒ Result Notification of Sastri/ B.A./ B.Sc./ B.Sc Yoga Fourth Semester Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University, in April, 2024.

⇒ Result Notification of Shastri-Siksha Sastri (B.A.B.Ed.) ITEP 2nd Semester examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in May, 2024.

⇒ Result Notification of Siksha Sastri (B.Ed.) II Semester examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in May, 2024.

⇒ Result Notification of Siksha Acharya (M.Ed.)II Semester examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in May, 2024.

⇒ Acharya/M.A. In Hindi/M.Sc. Comp./M.Sc Yoga Therapy/M.A.I.M.T IVth semester examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in April, 2024

⇒ NSU – CDOE – Regular students – Sastri Honours, B.A. Honours, Acharya 1st Semester Exam Application for the Academic Year 2024-25

⇒ RESULTS NOTIFICATION of Siksha Sastri(B.Ed.) and Siksha Acharya IV Semester
examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in April 2024.

⇒ RESULTS NOTIFICATION of Certificate, PG Diploma 2nd year course examination conducted by the nsu in may 2024

⇒ RESULTS NOTIFICATION of SASTRI 3rd Year, (CDOE) and Prak-Sastri 2nd Year(CODE) Offline Annual Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in Oct-Nov, 2023.

⇒ RESULTS NOTIFICATION of Sastri, B.A., B.Sc-Computer & B.Sc Yoga 2nd Semester Supplementary Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University, in July, 2023.

⇒ RESULTS NOTIFICATION of Acharya-ll Year, B.A. 3rd Year, Sastri-2nd year and Certificate course in Sanskrit (CDOE) Offline Annual Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in Oct-Nov, 2023.

⇒ RESULTS NOTIFICATION Acharya/ M.Sc. Comp. /M,A. in Hindi /M.Sc. Yoga Therapy/ MAIMT 2nd semester examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in July, 2023

⇒ RESULTS NOTIFICATION of Sastri/B.A./ B.SC/B.Sc Yoga Second Semester Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University, in July, 2023. 

⇒ RESULTS NOTIFICATION of Siksha Acharya (M.Ed.) II Semester examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in July, 2023.

⇒ RESULTS NOTIFICATION of Siksha Sastri(B.Ed.) II Semester examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in July, 2023.

⇒ Result notification of PG Diploma in Yoga Therapy and Stress management and PG Diploma in Yoga Vijnan course examinations conducted by National Sanskrit University, Tirupati in may 2023 by Online mode

⇒ Result notification of M.Sc. Comp. /M.A. in Hindi/M.Sc. Yoga Therapy/MAIMT IST semester examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in Feb, 2023

Results Notification – Prak Sastri First Year Examinations, April 2023

Results Notification-Sastri First Semester Examinations, February 2023

Results Notification-BA First Semester Examinations, February, 2023

Results Notification-Acharya First Semester Examinations, February, 2023

Results Notification-B.Sc. Yoga First Semester Examinations, February, 2023

Results Notification-B.Sc. First Semester Examinations, February, 2023

RESULTS NOTIFICATION: NSU-Online certificate course(CDOE)-Results-April-2022

RESULTS NOTIFICATION: NSU-Online certificate course(CDOE)-Results-April-2022

⇒ Corrigendum on Notification Dt. 23-03-2023

⇒ Result Notification Siksha Sastri(B.Ed.) I st Semester & Siksha Acharya (M.Ed.) I st Semester examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in Feb, 2023

⇒ Result Notification of Sastri Fourth Semester Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University, in May, 2023.

⇒ Result Notification of Sastri, B.A, B.Sc, B.Sc Yoga sixth Semester Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University, in May 2023.

⇒ Result Notification of Sastri, B.A, B.Sc, B.Sc Yoga sixth Semester Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University, in May 2023.

⇒ Result Notification of M.Sc. Comp./M.A. in Hindi/M. Sc. Yoga Therapy/MAIMT IV semester examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in May, 2023

⇒ Result Notification of Siksha Sastri (B.Ed.) IV Semester examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in May, 2023


⇒ Corrigendum on Notification Dt. 21-07-2022

⇒ Result of Students who have applied for Revaluation in their Sastri/B.A./B.Sc/B.Sc-Yoga 5th Semester held in December, 2022.

⇒ CDOE Result notification of Diploma Programme in Advaita Vedantha (head of the April 2023 ) declared on 29-04-2023

⇒ Result notification of Prak Sastri Second Year conducted by National Sanskrit University, Tirupati in April 2023

⇒ Result notification of Siksha Acharya IV Semester examinations conducted by National Sanskrit University, Tirupati in MAY 2023

⇒ Results notification Sastri/B.A./B.Sc/B.Sc-Yoga Fifth Semester of Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University, in December, 2022 

⇒ The Results of Prak-Sastri I year CDOE (with-held students due to submission of Exam Fee
and application form) 

⇒Results Notification of Siksha Acharya(M. Ed.) III Semester Offline examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in Dec, 2022.

⇒Results Notification of Siksha Sastri(B.Ed.) III Semester Offline semester examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in Dec, 2022.

⇒Result Notification of Vidyavaridhi (Ph.D) course work Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in Dec, 2022 

⇒ Result Notification of Diploma in Sanskrit, Certificate Course in Sanskrit & P.G.Diploma in Yoga Vijnana (CDOE) Online Annual Exam-inations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in Oct-Nov, 2022  

⇒ Result Notification of M.Sc. Yoga Therapy IV Semester Online examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in JUNE,

⇒Result Notification of Acharya-1st Year(Supplementary) (CDOE) Online Annual Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in Oct-Nov, 2022.  

⇒Result Notification of Acharya 2nd Year (CDOE) Online Annual Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in Oct-Nov, 2022. 

CDOE – Sastri / B.A 2nd Year (CDOE) Online Annual Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in Oct-Nov, 2022 

⇒Result Notification of Prak-Sastri 1st Year(CODE) Online Annual Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in November, 2022 

⇒Result Notification of Prak-Sastri 2nd Year(CODE) Online Annual Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in November, 2022 

⇒ RESULTS NOTIFICATION of Certificate Course in Bharatanatyam conducted by the National Sanskrit University in May, 2022  

⇒ Corrigendum on Notification Dt.23.05.2022 

CDOE: Result Notification of Certificate Programme in Functional Sanskrit and Certificate Programme in Carnatic Music 

⇒CDOE: Result Notification of Certificate Programme in traditional Kriya Yoga, Certificate Programme in Yoga and Stress Management, Certificate programme in Nyaya, Certificate Programme in Jyotisha, Certificate Programme in Vyakarana Shastra Pravesha, Certificate Programme in Agama(Vaikhanasa-Pancharatra Shaiva). Certificate Programme in Dvaita Vedanta, Certificate Programme in Sitar Level 1 and 2, Certificate Programme in Karakam, Certificate Programme in Telugu Prabhandhas,CertificateProgramme in Bharatanatyam, Certificate Programme in Temple Culture and Temple Administration and Diploma Programme in Bharatiya Ganita(Indian Mathematics) (Online CDOE) examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in April, 2022 through online mode.

⇒ Result Notification of Certificate, Diploma, and PG Diploma (Evening regular ) Courses Examinations Conducted by National Sanskrit University, Tirupati in May 2022

⇒ PRACTICAL EXAMINATION TIME TABLE of Semester Examinations for the Year December 2022

⇒ Result Notification of M.Sc Computers, M.A. Sabdabodha Second Semester online Examinations Conducted by National Sanskrit University, Tirupati in June 2022 (Published on 07-11-2022)   

⇒ Result Notification of Sastri, B.A./ B.Sc Second Semester online Examinations Conducted by National Sanskrit University, Tirupati in June 2022 (Published on 02-11-2022)

⇒ Result Notification of Siksha Acharya(M.Ed.) II Semester and Siksha Sastri(B.Ed.) II Semester Online examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in June, 2022 (Published on 20-10-2022)   

⇒ Results Notification of M.Phil 2nd sem Viva-Voce Examination Aug-2022

⇒ Corrigendum on Notification Dt. 23-08-2022 : Results of B.A. 6th Semester (Published on 03-10-2022) 

⇒ Results Notification of Prak-Sastri 1st Year Online Annual Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in May. 2022

⇒ Corrigendum Results Notification: In  Continuation of the Results Notification of even number dated 09.02.2022

⇒ Result Notification of Sastri III Semester 2022 Examinations were declared vide Notification No., RSV/exams/Results/Feb, 2022/05 dated 23-05-2022 

⇒ Result Notification of Sastri V Semester 2022 Examinations were declared vide Notification No., RSV/exams/Results/Feb, 2022/02 dated 23-05-2022.

⇒ Results notification of Sastri V Semester 2022 Examinations were declared vide Notification No., RSV/exams/Results/ Feb, 2022/01 dated 23-05-2022

⇒ Results Notification of B.A III Semester 2022 Examinations were declared vide Notification No., RSV/exams/Results/Feb. 2022/06 dated 23-05-2022.

⇒ Corrigendum on Notification Dt.21.12.2021 Prak-Sastri 2nd Year   

⇒ Corrigendum on Notification Dt.21.12.2021 Prak-Sastri 1st Year

⇒ Result Notification of M.A. Hindi /MAIMT /M.Sc Yoga II semester Online examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in JUNE, 2022

⇒ Result Notification of Acharya II semester Online examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in JUNE, 2022

⇒ Result Notification of B.Sc-Yoga Second Semester Online Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in June, 2022.

⇒ Result Notification of M.A.Hindi /M.Sc Comp /M.A Sab /MAIMT /M.Sc Yoga/ Acharya I semester Online examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in FEB, 2022.

⇒ Result Notification of B Sc Fourth Semester Online Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University, in June 2022

⇒ Result Notification of Sastri/ B.A./ B.Sc Yoga Fourth Semester Online Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University, in June, 2022.

⇒ Result Notification of SIKSHA ACHARYA(M.Ed.) III SEMESTER (In continuation of the earlier results notification issued on 19.08.2022)(Published on 02-09-2022)

⇒ Result Notification of Siksha Acharya(M.Ed.) I Semester Online examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in Feb, 2022

⇒ Result Notification of Siksha Acharya(M.Ed.) III Semester Online examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in Feb, 2022

⇒ Result Notification of Sastri Sixth Semester Online Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University, in June, 2022.

⇒ Result Notification of B. Sc Sixth Semester Online Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University, in June, 2022.

⇒ Result Notification of B.A. Sixth Semester Online Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University, in June, 2022.

⇒ Result Notification of B.Sc – Yoga Six Semester Online Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University, in June, 2022

⇒ Corrigendum of Results on Notification Dt.21.07.2022 (Prak-Sastri 2nd Year)

⇒Result Notification B.Sc First Semester Online Examinations  

⇒Results Notification of Prak – Sastri 2nd Year Online Annual examinations May. 2022

⇒Results Notification of Siksha Sastri(B.Ed.) III Semester Offline examinations (June, 2022)

⇒Results Notification of Siksha Sastri(B.Ed.) IV Semester Offline examinations (June, 2022)(Published on 21-07-2022)

DDE: Corrigendum of Results on Notification Dt.07.04.2022(PRAK-SASTRI 1st YEAR, ACHARYA 1ST YEAR )(Published on 13-07-2022)


⇒ Results Notification B.Sc-Yoga/ B.A./ Sastri First Semester conducted through ONLINE

⇒ Results Notification of Acharya III Semester Examinations conducted through ONLINE 

⇒Results Notification of M.A Hindi,  M.Sc.Computers, MA SABDABODHA, MAIMT, M.Sc Yoga Therapy III Semester Examinations conducted through ONLINE

⇒ Result Notification of DDE Acharya 2nd Year

⇒ Result Notification of Sastri/B.A/B.Sc/B.Sc-Yoga 3rd Semster

⇒ Result Notification of Sastri/B.A/B.Sc/B.Sc-Yoga 5th Semster

⇒ Result Notification Dated 03.01.2022 Pretaining to Acharya(CDOE) 2nd year Online Annual Exams Held During September 2021

 List of Qualified Candidates in Vidyavaridhi Ph.D Course Work Examinations Conducted During November – 2021

Result Notification of MA Sanskrit IV Semester June 2021

Revised Result Notification of MA Hindi I semester NOV – 2018 & MA Hindi II Semester APR – 2019

⇒RESULTS NOTIFICATION of Certificate course in Bharatha Natyam and Certificate course in Carnatic Music (Online Exam-2021)

⇒ Result Notification of Acharya 1st year CDOE Oct-2021

⇒ Result Notification dated 21.12.2021, pertaining to Prak-Sastri Annual Examinations held june/july 2021 (Published on 07-04-2022)

⇒ Result Notification of Prak-Sastri 1st Year (CODE) Online Annual Examinations (Published on 07-04-2022)

⇒ Result Notification of Vidyavaridhi Course Work (Education) (Published on 07-04-2022)

⇒ Result Notification of Vidyavaridhi Course Work (Published on 07-04-2022)

⇒ Result Notification of Vidyavaridhi Course Work (Research and Publications) (Published on 07-04-2022)

⇒ RESULTS NOTIFICATION Diploma in Sanskrit and Certificate course in Sanskrit in CDOE (Online Exam 2021)

⇒ RESULTS NOTIFICATION P.G. Diploma in Yoga Vijnana(Online Exam 2021) Center of Distance and Online Education

⇒ RESULTS NOTIFICATION Sastri/ B.A. I” Year in Center of Distance and Online Education Examinations

⇒ RESULTS NOTIFICATION of Advanced Diploma in Samskrita Sahitya/diploma in Functional Sanskrit and Diploma in Vyakarana Pravesha Courses (Online DDE) (Published on 15-03-2022)

⇒ RESULTS NOTIFICATION Sastri/B.A. 2 Year in CDOE Examinations conducted by the National Sanskrit University in Nov-2021 

⇒ List of qualified candidates in Vidyavaridhi (Ph.D) Course Work (Education) Exanminations conducted during March, 2022.

⇒ RESULTS NOTIFICATION of M.A Hindi,M.Sc.Comp, MA SABDABODHA, MAIMT, M.Sc Yoga Therapy II Semester

⇒ RESULTS NOTIFICATION of Acharya II Sem NSU June 2021

⇒ RESULTS NOTIFICATION of M.Sc Yoga Therapy IV Semester 

 RESULTS NOTIFICATION Sastri/B.A/B.Sc-Yoga 1 to 6 Semesters and Acharya II Semester & III Semester Instant Examinations conducted through ONLINE JAN-2022 

RESULTS NOTIFICATION Prak-Sastri 2nd Year Online Annual Exams June/July 2021(25-01-2022)

Online certificate course Results Jan 2022

Results of Prak-Sastri 2nd Year(CODE) 

Results of Acharya I Semester Feb:March 2021 Examinations 

⇒ Result Notification of Certificate programme in Sitar, Advanced Diploma course in Dwaita Vedanta, and Certificate Programme in Dvaita Vedanta (Online DDE)

⇒ Result Notification of Certificate/Diploma and P.G. Diploma Course(Online DDE)

⇒Result Notification of B.Sc, B.Sc Yoga II Semester and Sastri II & IV Semester

⇒Result Notification of B.Sc, B.Sc Yoga II Semester and Sastri II & IV Semester

⇒ Result Notification of Certificate/Diploma and P.G. Diploma (Evening Regular) Courses Aug-2021 

⇒ Result Notification of DDE Acharya 2 Year, September, 2021