Name of the Teacher Department Designation Email ID Contact Number Note: Please rate the following questions> as HIGH or MODERATE or Low 01. How do you rate the syllabus in terms of its quality and up-to-date ? HIGH MODERATE LOW 02. How do you rate the syllabus in terms of load on the Student ? HIGH MODERATE LOW 03. How do you rate the feasibility of syllabus completion during the prescribed period ? HIGH MODERATE LOW 04. How do you rate the students' interaction while delivering the lecture'? HIGH MODERATE LOW 05. How do you rate the availability of prescribed textbooks and learning resources at the university ? HIGH MODERATE LOW 06. How do you rate the scope of syllabus providing sufficient knowledge and perspective in the respective area ? HIGH MODERATE LOW 07. How do you rate the existing system of assessing the student internally and externally ? HIGH MODERATE LOW 08. How well the curriculum and syllabus are organized and suitable for the program ? HIGH MODERATE LOW Send