The National Sanskrit University, Tirupati has been Established by an act of Parliament, ‘Central Sanskrit Universities Act, 2020’, hereinafter called as ‘The Act’, and came into force on 30 April, 2020 as notified by the Gazette of India, CG-DL-E-17042020-219068 dated 17th April, 2020.
The National Sanskrit University, Tirupati shall be governed by the Act and further by the Statues of the University, hereinafter called as ‘The Statutes’, provided in Second Schedule of the Act.
The Ordinances of National Sanskrit University, Tirupati are made in accordance with Section 29 of the Act and Section 39 of the Statutes as follows:
1. (a) The Ordinances of National Sanskrit University, Tirupati hereinafter be called as ‘The Ordinances’.
(b) The Ordinances shall come into force on such date as the Executive Council of the University, by a Notification, appoint.
2. In the Ordinances made hereunder, unless the context otherwise required: –
(a) “Academic Staff” means regular teachers at the University.
(b) “Other Academic Staff” means all regular staff as designated as Other Academic Staff in University Grants Commission (Mini-mum Qualifications for Appointment of Teachers and other Academic Staff in Universities and Colleges and other Measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education) Regulations, 2018.
(c) “Non-Teaching Staff/Employees” means all regular staff other than academic and other academic staff.
3. The Ordinances are divided into seven parts as follows:
(a) Administrative Ordinances
(b) Academic Ordinances
(c) Centre of Distance and Online Education Ordinances
(d) Examination Ordinances
(e) Finance Ordinances
(f) Engineering Ordinances
(g) Medical Ordinances
4. The Administrative Ordinances are provided in the First Schedule.
5. The Academic Ordinances are provided in the Second Schedule.
6. The Centre of Distance and Online Education Ordinances are provided in the Third Schedule.
7. The Examination Ordinances are provided in the Fourth Schedule.
8. The Finance Ordinances are provided in the Fifth Schedule.
9. The Engineering Ordinances are provided in the Sixth Schedule.
10. The Medical Ordinances are provided in the Seventh Schedule.
11. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Ordinances the Vice Chancellor may take such measures as may be necessary for removal of doubts/difficulties and to resolve any other issues which needs his attention.
12. If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of the Ordinances, the Vice-Chancellor may, by order, make such provisions, not inconsistent with the provisions of the Ordinances, as appear to him/her to be necessary or expedient for removing the difficulty. Provided that such order shall be ratified by the Executive Council in its meeting held after issuance of the order, failing which the order shall be treated as withdrawn.