The National Sanskrit University offers traditional programs in Sahitya, Vyakarana, Jyotisha, Nyaya, Advaita Vedanta, Vishistadvaita Vedanta, Dvaita Vedanta, Agama, Mimamsa, Sankhya Yoga etc.. along with modern subjects like Computer Science, Mathematics, History etc.

The Professional programs offered in the University are Siksha Sastri (B.Ed) and Siksha Acharya (M.Ed.) monitored by National Council for Teaching Education (NCTE). Other programs leading to Diploma, P.G.Diploma and Research Degrees are also offered under various faculties.



No. of Seats: 60 in all the Sastras
Duration: Two years
Age: 15 to 18 years as on 1st June No upper age limit for ladies
Scheme of Study :
Part – 1
          1st Language : English
          2nd Language : Sanskrit/Telugu/Hindi
Part – 2
          Course-1 : Sanskrit (Compulsory) Optional Sastra of Sahitya/ Vyakarana / Darsana / Jyotisha will be taught as part of second year syllabus.
          Course-2 : Sanskrit (Compulsory)
          Course-3 : Sanskrit (Compulsory)
          Course-4 : Mathematics/History (optional)
          Course-5 : Computers

Pass in one of the following examinations with minimum five or six courses. The maximum marks should be 500 and above with English as one course.
          a. S.S.C/CBSE/NOS program with or withous Sanskrit and pass in ABHIJNA of Samskrita Bhasha pracharini Sabha, Chittoor.
          b. Purva Madhyama of 1 Rashtriya Sanskrit Samsthan, New Delhi, 2. Sampoornananda Sanskrit University, Varanasi
          c. Sanskrit Entrance Examination conducted by the Govt. of A.P with English
          d. Any examination recognized as equivalent to X calss with Sanskrit.
          e. Candidates possessing S.S.C without Sanskrit are also eligible to join the program subject to the conditions of passing the entrance test in

              Sanskrit conducted by the National Sanskrit University, Tirupati.

2. SASTRI (Eq. to B.A.)
No. of Seats: 100
Duration: Three years (6 Semesters)
Age: 17 years (as on 1st June)
Scheme of Study :
Part – 1
          1st Language: English
          2nd Language : Sanskrit/Telugu/Hindi
Part – 2 (Three Electives)

          1st Elective: One from the following Sastras
                    1. Sahitya (30), 2. Vyakarana (20), 3. Phalitha Jyotisha (15), 4. Siddhanta Jyotisha (5), 5. Nyaya (5), 6.Advaita Vedanta (5), 7. Visistadvaita Vedanta (5), 8. Dwaita Vedanta (5), 9. Mimamsa (5), 10. Agama (5)

          2nd and 3rd Electives: (any two from the following but not more than one from each group)
                    Group A: 1. English Literature            2. Telugu Literature                       3. Hindi Literature
                    Group B: 1. History                              2. Archakatva & Pourohitya          3. Yoga & Meditation                    4. Computer Applications(20)
Note : The number in the brackets indicate the number of seats in each sastra.

Pass in any one of the following examinations as in 10+2 pattern.
          a. Uttara Madhyama of 1. Sampoornananda Sanskrit University, Varanasi, 2. Rashtriya Sanskrit Sanskrit, New Delhi.
          b. Prak-Sastri of 1. Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupati, 2. Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, New Delhi
          c. Madhyama of Kasi Hindu Viswavidyalaya, Varanasi
          d. Varishtopadhyaya of Rajasthan Board of Intermediate Education, Ajmer.
          e. Upasastri of

                    1. Sree Jagannatha Sanskrit University, Puri,

                    2. Kameshwar Singh Sanskrit University, Darbhanga
          f. Sahitya of Karnataka State.
          g. (i). Intermediate or equivalent examination with Sanskrit or Vichakshana of Samskrita Bhasha Pracharini Sabha, Chittoor of +2 Stage in 10+2+3 Pattern conducted by a State Board/University/ Institute recognized by University.

             (ii.) Equivalent program without sanskrit at plus 2 stage but studied Sanskrit at school level (10th class) subject to the passing of the entrance test conducted by the University.

2. SASTRI (Eq. to B.A.)
No. of Seats: 100
Duration: Three years (6 Semesters)
Age: 17 years (as on 1st June)
Scheme of Study :
Part – 1
          1st Language: English
          2nd Language : Sanskrit/Telugu/Hindi
Part – 2 (Three Electives)

          1st Elective: One from the following Sastras
                    1. Sahitya (30), 2. Vyakarana (20), 3. Phalitha Jyotisha (15), 4. Siddhanta Jyotisha (5), 5. Nyaya (5), 6.Advaita Vedanta (5), 7. Visistadvaita Vedanta (5), 8. Dwaita Vedanta (5), 9. Mimamsa (5), 10. Agama (5)

          2nd and 3rd Electives: (any two from the following but not more than one from each group)
                    Group A: 1. English Literature            2. Telugu Literature                       3. Hindi Literature
                    Group B: 1. History                              2. Archakatva & Pourohitya          3. Yoga & Meditation                    4. Computer Applications(20)
Note : The number in the brackets indicate the number of seats in each sastra.

Pass in any one of the following examinations as in 10+2 pattern.
          a. Uttara Madhyama of 1. Sampoornananda Sanskrit University, Varanasi, 2. Rashtriya Sanskrit Sanskrit, New Delhi.
          b. Prak-Sastri of 1. Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupati, 2. Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, New Delhi
          c. Madhyama of Kasi Hindu Viswavidyalaya, Varanasi
          d. Varishtopadhyaya of Rajasthan Board of Intermediate Education, Ajmer.
          e. Upasastri of

                    1. Sree Jagannatha Sanskrit University, Puri,

                    2. Kameshwar Singh Sanskrit University, Darbhanga
          f. Sahitya of Karnataka State.
          g. (i). Intermediate or equivalent examination with Sanskrit or Vichakshana of Samskrita Bhasha Pracharini Sabha, Chittoor of +2 Stage in 10+2+3 Pattern conducted by a State Board/University/ Institute recognized by University.

             (ii.) Equivalent program without sanskrit at plus 2 stage but studied Sanskrit at school level (10th class) subject to the passing of the entrance test conducted by the University.

3. SASTRI Vedabhashya (Eq. to B.A.)

No. of Seats : 15

Duration : Three years (6 Semesters)

Age :17 years (as on 1st June)

Scheme of Study :

Part – 1

          Course – 1: English & Sanskrit: 2 courses in each year

          Course – 2: 4 courses in each year consisting of Sahitya, Vyakarana and Veda bhashyam

Eligibility :

Those who have passed/completed Samhita (Rigveda or Yajurveda) and have some knowledge of Sanskrit are eligible, subject to the passing of entrance test conducted by the University in Samhita of respective Veda and Sanskrit.

4. B.A.
No. of Seats : 20

Duration : Three years (6 Semesters)

Age : 17 years (as on 1st June)

Eligibility: Prak-Sastri/Intermediate or any other equivalent exam with Sanskrit

Scheme of Study:
Part – 1 :

          (a) 1st Language : English

          (b) 2nd Language : Sanskrit/Telugu/Hindi

          (c) History of Vedic & Classical Sanskrit Literature.

Part – 2:

          1st Elective : Sanskrit (Compulsory)

          2nd and 3rd Electives : any two from the following but not more than one from each group

                  Group A : 1. English Literature 2. Telugu Literature, 3. Hindi Literature

                  Group B : 1. History, 2. Archakatva & Pourohitya, 3. Yoga & Meditation

5. B.Sc.(Sastri)
No. of Seats : 20

Duration : Three years (6 Semesters)

Age :17 years (as on 1st June)

Eligibility: Prak-Sastri/Intermediate or any other equivalent exam with Sanskrit and Mathematics as the subjects of study.

Scheme of Study :

Part – 1 :

          (a) 1st Language : English

          (b) 2nd Language : Sanskrit/Telugu/Hindi

          (c) History of Vedic & Classical Sanskrit Literature.

Part – 2 :

          1st Elective : Sanskrit (Compulsory)/Any Sastra as Specified in the Sastri program

          2nd Elective : Mathematics

          3rd Elective : Computer Science (Those who are opting this program should have passed the qualifiyig examination with Mathematics as one of te subjects.)

Note : For all undergraduate programs SL.No.(2-5) the medium of instruction will be Sanskrit only for all courses, except in the case of languages and modern subjects.


1. ACHARYA (Eq.M.A.) :
Choice Based Credit System (In this scheme for each of the following Sastras, there will be five courses, in which four courses will be from (A) Hard core Sastras and 1 course will be from (B) Soft Core Sastras for each Semester). Soft Core has to opt from other Sastras.

A. Hard Core Sastras: 1. Sahitya (60), 2. Vyakarana (30), 3. Phalitha Jyotisha (15), 4. Siddhanta Jyotisha (15), 5. Nyaya (15), 6. Advaita Vedanta (20), 7. Visistadvaita Vedanta (15), 8. Dwaita Vedanta (15), 9. Agama (15), 10. Mimamsa(15), 11. Dharma Sastra(15), 12. Sankhya Yoga (13), 13. Puranetihasa (15), 14. Vedabhashyam (15)

B. Soft Core Sastras : i) 1. Sahitya, 2. Puranetihasa ii) 1. Vyakarana, 2. Siddhanta Jyotisha, 3. Phalitha Jyotisha, 4. Vedabhashyam, 5.Dharma Sastra iii) 1. Nyaya, 2. Advaita Vedanta 3, Dwaita Vedanta, 4. Agama, 5. Mimamsa, 6. Sankhya Yoga, 7. Visistadvaita Vedanta. (Keeping in view the pros and cons of the system modern subjects computer science etc. may be included according to XXII Vidvat Parishad Meeting : Item No.22.10).

(Note : The number in the brackets indicate the number of seats in each Sastra.)

Duration : Two years (4 Semesters)

Age: Minimum 20 years as on 1st June

Eligibility :

         (a) Pass in 3 year degree program/Sastri/ Any Graduate from a recognized University with Sanskrit as second language or as an elective subject.

         (b) Two years degree program with Bridge program of i) National Sanskrit University, Tirupati, ii) Sri Lal Bahadur Sastri National Sanskrit University, New Delhi, iii) Central Sanskrit University, New Delhi.

         (c) Siromani Final Examination of i) Madras University, Chennai, ii) Annamalai University, Annamalai nagar.

         (d) Siromani final Examinatio of S.V.University, Tirupati

         (e) Sastra Bhushana Final Examination of Kerala Government.

         (f) Vidyapraveena Final Examination of Andhra University, Waltair.

         (g) Vidyalankara and Vedalankara examinations of Gurukula Kangeri Viswavidyalaya, Haridwar

         (h) Vidwat Madyama Examination of Karnataka Government.

         (i) B.A.(O.L)/B.A.(L).B.A./B.A (Hons.)/B.O.L equivalent examinations with Sanskrit of all recognized universities.

         (j) Any other examination recognized by the Rashtriya Sanskrit University as equivalent to Sastri.

2. M.A. in Sanskrit (Sabdabodha Systems & Language Technology)

This is an interdisciplinary program and the features of the program is given below:
1. newly emerging area of study introduced under the innovative programme approved by U.G.C.

2. A rage Interdisicplinary program Under Credit based Semester System

3. A blend of Computer Science, Modern Linguistics and Sabdabodha Systems like Vyakarana, Nyaya and Mimamsa.

4. An emerging area of research in Sanskrit and Natural Language Processing

5. A Career Oriented program providing scope for good placements.

Duration : 4 Semesters in 2 years program Syllabus

No. of Seats : 10 (Admission will be given based on merit and performance in the interview.)

Eligibility : 1.Sastri/B.A/Any other equivalent degree (Preferably in Nyaya, Vyakarana, Mimamsa or Darsana) with Computer Science/Computer Applications or sufficient computer background.

2. B.A./B.Sc./BCA/ Any other equivalent degree with Sanskrit and Computer Science or Mathematics background.

Supporting bridge programs will be offered to the admitted students before starting the actual program to strengthen their knowledge in Computer Science, Sanskrit and Mathematics so that the students will be brought under a uniform plane.

Support : Selected Students will be provided with Scholarship on par with other Master programs in the University.

Fees : Rs. 600-00 and Library Deposit refundable Rs. 200-00.

3. P.G.Diploma in Yoga Therapy and Stress Management :
This is an interdisciplinary program introduced under the innovative programme of the University Grants commission. The cource is aimed at disseminating the theoritical and procatical knowledge of Patanjali’s Yoga Sastra, their therapeutic values and relevance in maintenance of sound, body and mind.

No. of Seats : 25

Duration : 1 Year

Internship : 6 months Age : Below 35 years

Eligibility : Any graduate with second class from a recognized University. Preference will be given to the candidates having Sanskrit as one of the subjects/proficiency in Sanskrit.

Program Fee : Rs. 2000.00 for one year

Internship : Rs. 3000.00 Caution deposit: Rs. 1000/- (Refundable).

4. M.Sc. in Computer Science & Language Technology :
The main objective of the M.Sc. (Computer Science and sanskrit Language Technologies program is to provide the students a clear understanding of the concepts and principles of Computer Science as a discipline and the rich and specialized skills required to handle the computing systems in an applied branch of language technologies in general and Sanskrit language technologies in particular.

Program Highlights:

1. Unique Curriculum designed by R & D experts in Computer Science and sanskrit Lanugage Technologies

2. State of the art Laboratory

3. Extensive hands on sessions

4. Exposure to Soft skills

5. Resourceful faculty.

6. Creative Learning Environment

7. Quality courwse content

8. Well equipped Library

Duration : 2 years (4 Semesters)

No. of Seats : 15

Age : Minimum 20 years

Eligibility : Any graduate with Computer Science/Computer Applications with Sanskrit at +2 level.

Program content : Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Language and Speech Processing.

5. P.G.Diploma in Comparative Aesthetics (Sahitya) in Global Perspective
Duration : 1 Year

No. of Seats : 15

Age : Minimum 22 years

Eligibility : Acharya (Sahitya) Pass with 55% Marks.

6. Master in Ancient Indian Management Techniques (MAIMT)

(2 year UGC Approved Post Graduate program in Management) 

In this UGC approved innovative program, the syllabus will cover subjects covering Ancient Indian Management Skills, Modern thoughts and Organizational behavior.

Duration : 2 Years

No. of Seats : 15

Age : Minimum 22 years

Eligibility : Graduates from any discipline having secured a minimum of 50% marks are eligible to join in this program.

Note: Preference will be given to candidates having proficiency in Sanskrit.

This program covers subjects like : Vedic thoughts on Environmental Awareness and Natural Resource Management Personal Management in Indian Philosophic Systems and Upanishads, Personal Management Techniques in Yoga and Ayurveda, Management and organisational behavior, Managerial Communication


1. Visishtacharya (M.Phil.) in all the following Sastras :

1. Sahitya (10), 2. Vyakarna (5), 3. Jyotisha (5), 4. Nyaya (5), 5. Advaita Vedanta (5) 6. Visistadvaita Vedanta (5), 7. Dvaita Vedanta (5), 8. Agama (5), 9. Sanskrit Manuscriptology & Palaeography (5), 10. Puranetihasa (5), 11. Dharmasastra (5)

(Note : The number in the brackets indicate the number of seats in each sastra)

Duration : One Year (Two Semesters)

Eligibility : Acharya or equivalent degree in the concerned subject with at least 55% marks, whereas for Scheduled Caste and Schedule Tribe candidates the minimum marks required is 50% only.

2. Visishtacharya (M.Phil.) in Education :
Duration : One year (Two Semesters)

No. of Seats : 5

Eligibility : M.Ed. or Siksha Acharya with a minimum of 55% marks and Acharya/M.A.(Skt.)/ Any equivalent PG Degree with a minimum of 55% marks (in both the degrees).  The minimum marks will be 50% for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates. Proficiency in Sanskrit is a must.

Selection : Selection will be made on the basis of merit. The writing skill of the applicants in Sanskrit will be assessed by way of a brief write up/ objective type test half an hour before the interview. Marks in the qualifying examination and performance in the write up and also interview shall be the criteria for selection. Separate merit list will be prepared for different sastras.

Medium : Sanskrit only (for Dissertation writing also).

3. VIDYAVARIDHI (Doctor of Philosophy) Regular and Part-Time :
Offered in the following Subjects/Areas:

Sahitya, Vyakarana, Phalitha Jyotisha, Siddhanta Jyotisha, Nyaya, Advaita Vedanta, Visistadvaita Vedanta, Dvaita vedanta, Agama, Mimamsa, Sankhya Yoga, Dharma Sastra, Puranetihasa, Vedic Studies, General Sanskrit Studies, Sabdabodha Systems and Education.

Eligibility: Post Graduate Degree in the concerned subject with a minimum of 55% marks for general and OBC candidates and 50% marks for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates

The National Sanskrit University, Tirupati will award the degree of Vidyavaridhi to the students admitted as per rules, after completion of their research work duly evaluated by the examiners appointed by the University for this purpose. The Sanskrit version of the degree will bear the name Vidyavaridhi and the corresponding English version of the degree will be DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY.

The National Sanskrit University will award the degree of VIDYA VACHASPATI(D.Litt) to the scholars admitted as per rules of the University, after completion of their work duly evaluated by the examiners appointed by the University for this purpose. The Sanskrit version of the degree will bear the name “VIDYA VACHASPATI” and the corresponding English version of the degree will be “DOCTOR OF LITERATURE

Eligibility : Vidyavaridhi (Ph.D) Degree holders of this University or equivalent degree holders of other Universities with the minimum number of books accompanied with reviews by competent scholars or with two single author publications in journals of repute or eligible to apply to become candidates for the VIDYA VACHASPATI (D.Litt.) degree after a lapse of at least five years after obtaining Ph.D Degree.

Types of Proposals for D.Litt. : The candidature for the VIDYA VACHASPATI (D.Litt.) Shall be of two categories (a) & (b).

a) A candidate can apply for registration to VIDYA VACHASPATI (D.Litt.) on a work published in Sanskrit only immediately 3 years preceding the closing date for registration. If such registration is allowed, the University may allow the evaluation of the published book at the earliest possible convenient date.

b) A candidate can also apply for registration to VIDYA VACHASPATI (D.Litt.) on a fresh Topic/Critical edition of an unpublished manuscript with introduction and critical notes etc. in Sanskrit. If this registration is approved, he shall be to work on that topic under the guidance of a supervisor duly appointed for three years which period could be extended by two years ( the condition could be relaxed under very special circumstances for two another years) and shall have to submit the (D.Litt). thesis in DTP form for evaluation.



For admission into these programs, the candidate has to appear a National level eligibility test for which a separate notification is issued during the month of January every year and the entrance test will be conducted in the month of May every year.









