
6.2.6 The strategies adopted by the Institution for initiating the concept of Simple Standard Sanskrit by conducting events in following ways:

  • A. Programs of communication practice in Simple Standard Sanskrit/ training Sessions – 12 camps over the year covering at least 80% of the students and teachers.
  • B. Programs of communication practice in Simple Standard Sanskrit/ Sanskrit training Sessions – 6 camps over the year covering at least 60% of the students and teachers.
  • C. Programs of communication practice in Simple Standard Sanskrit/ Sanskrit training Sessions – 4 camps over the year covering at least 40% of the students and teachers.
  • D. Programs of communication practice in Simple Standard Sanskrit/ Sanskrit training Sessions – 2 camps over the year covering at least 20% of the students and teachers.
  • E. Not conducted
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  • Upload report of the training program
  • Upload course module, event schedule and report of the program, geotagged photographs.
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