Percentage of courses having focus on indepth-shastric learning/ creative writing/ entrepreneurship/ skill development/ Interdisciplinary / 64 Kalas/ Indigenous Knowledge base with modern application during the last five years Number of courses having focus on entrepreneurship/ skill development/ Interdisciplinary/ 64 Kalas/ Indigenous Knowledge base with modern application during the last five years:
Data Requirement for last five years:
- Name of the Course with Code
- Activities with direct bearing on indepth-shastric learning/creative writing/ Entrepreneurship/ Skill
development/ Interdisciplinary/64 Kalas/ Indigenous knowledge base with modern application - Name of the programmes
- Programme/ Curriculum/ Syllabus of the courses
- Minutes of the Boards of Studies/ Academic Council meetings with approvals for these courses MoU’s with relevant organizations for these courses, if any
- Any additional information Number of courses having focus on entrepreneurship/ skill development/ Interdisciplinary/ 64 Kalas/ Indigenous Knowledge base with modern application during the last five years: