Grants for research projects sponsored by non-government sources such as industry, corporate houses, other allied organizations, national/international bodies, endowments, chairs in the institution during the last five years (INR in Lakhs) Total Grants for research projects sponsored by nongovernment sources such as industry, corporate houses, other allied organizations, national/international bodies, endowments, Chairs in the institution year-wise during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)
Data requirement for last five years: (As per Data Template in Section B)
- Name of the Project/ Endowments, Chairs
- Name of the Principal Investigator
- Department of Principal Investigator
- Year of Award
- Funds provided
- Duration of the project
File Description (Upload)
- e-copies of the grant award letters for research projects sponsored by non-government sources.
- List of project and grant details (Institutional data as per Data Template)
- Any additional information