  • 1. Provide inspirational and motivational value-based academic and executive leadership to the university through policy formation, operational management, optimization of human resources and concern for environment and sustainability; 
  • 2.Conduct himself/herself with transparency, fairness, honesty, highest degree of ethics and decision making that is in the best interest of the university; 
  • 3.Act as steward of the university’s assets in managing the resources responsibility, optimally, effectively and efficiently for providing a conducive working and learning environment; 
  • 4.Promote the collaborative, shared and consultative work culture in the university, paving way for innovative thinking and ideas; 
  • 5.Endeavour to promote a work culture and ethics that brings about quality, professionalism, satisfaction and service to the nation and society. 
  • 6.Refrain from allowing considerations of caste, creed, religion, race, gender or sex in their professional endeavor